Every day, we get calls from parents who know their child is different. Many of these parents are told by doctors, therapists, teachers, or relatives that their child can’t be autistic because they make eye contact, are too social, or “look” autistic. Others have been told to “wait and see”. For children who are just developing on their own timeline, waiting has no negative impact, but for children who are autistic, waiting often results in significant lagging skills, behavior problems, and emotional stress for the child and family.  Let us Help You!

 Autism and Behavior Center provides 

  • Consultation for parents concerned about their child’s development.

  • Diagnostic Evaluations, Patient Education, and Referral

  • Short Term (less than 6 months) Focused Therapy for Children and Families during transition to appropriate therapy provider

We know that all children develop differently, and it is not atypical for an 18-month-old or 2-year-old child to have few to no words. A delay in language development on its own is not a reason for concern, but, if it is combined with even one of these signs, further assessment is needed.   

♾ Using adult as a tool; putting parents' hands on objects or pushing parent to places instead of using gestures or pointing 

♾ Interested in parts of objects (shadows, wheels, lights, buttons, switches) 

♾ Repetitive Behavior (lining up objects, spinning objects, opening and shutting doors, pushing buttons, flipping light switches, dumping toys over and over, plays with toys the same way every time) 

♾ Using Jargon (sounds like a made-up language “ticka, ticka, ticka”) 

♾ Echoing, repeating, or copying words 

♾ Scripting from movies, videos 

♾ Appears in own world: does not answer to name or respond despite adequate hearing.  

♾ Does not respond to or initiate social games (peek-a-boo, so big) or does not engage in back-and-forth play (rolling ball, pushing cars) 

♾ Hyper of Hypo Reactions to Sensory Stimuli (can’t tolerate hair washing, bathing, diaper changes, clothes, etc) 

♾ Becomes overly distressed with changes in routines (freaks out if familiar adult takes glasses off,  puts hair in different style, etc) 

♾ Sleep and Eating problems 

♾ Not showing or giving objects 

♾ Toe Walking, Hand Flapping, Spinning (beyond age and greater intensity than in typical infants/toddlers)  

♾ Lack of gestures (no waving, pointing, etc) 

Autism is not something to be afraid of. Autism is simply a different way the brain processes information AND with early diagnosis and intervention, we can help autistic children. Early Diagnosis and Intervention can help families understand their neurodivergent child and PREVENT some the problems that children diagnosed later often face. Autism is not rare. 1 in 44 children are autistic. If your child, the child you work with, your relative, friend, or neighbor exhibit any of the signs listed above, please contact us today!

The staff at ABC believe every child matters so we NEVER have a waiting list  

 Just Click the “Contact Us” page or “Start the Process” icon below if you’d like to start an autism evaluation.