Manipulatives to Act out “The Wolf is Coming” Story


 Barn Yard Bingo

Provided below are printable materials to play Barn Yard Bingo at home. There are 3 Bingo sheets one of which you will print twice to use a call sheet. You can use a variety of at home materials for your markers - buttons, rocks, cotton balls, markers, bingo dapper, etc. To make extra motivating have a “present” wrapped for the winner or one for everyone at the end of the game. Depending on your child’s developmental level you may adapt these materials the following ways:

  • Print two of one bingo sheet to use as a matching set.

  • Play Bingo

    • Show picture for your child to find the match.

    • Make animal sound without picture for your child to find the match.

    • Give glues about features of the animals (this animal has features and swims) for your child to find the match.

  • Find Animal Bingo

    • Hide either stuffed animals, characters or printed pictures of animals around house and use Bingo sheet to mark those you find.

Barn Yard Bingo Printable

Sensory Table - Milking Cow

Bark George Paperbag Puppet

Balloon Farm Animals

Barnyard Bowling